Rose Systemtechnik GmbH
Auf die Hardware kommt es an
Rose Systemtechnik GmbH

It depends on the hardware

all about automation wetzlar 2023

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Auf die Hardware kommt es an
Rose Systemtechnik GmbH



It depends on the hardware

Panel PCs from ROSE are the optimal basis for production control systems

With Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), companies can identify potential savings and increase their efficiency.

Food manufacturers use ROSE Panel PCs for their MES, as do companies in the automotive, cosmetics and metalworking industries. The Panel PCs are characterized by high quality and modularity. They are thoroughly manufactured, have powerful processors (up to Intel Core i7) and can be configured customer-specifically.

Due to their modularity, Panel PCs from ROSE offer the best prerequisites for the effective use of an MES. The reason is simple: the programs work best when the hardware is precisely matched to the application. The panel PCs enable exactly that, because they are manufactured according to the modular system. Users can choose from a wide range of display sizes, CPU versions and interfaces. The equipment options also include RFID readers, barcode scanners, individually assignable conventional buttons, individually assignable membrane buttons and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

A central component of every Panel PC is the screen. For this purpose, ROSE uses a chemically hardened multi-touch glass equipped with PCAP technology. In contrast to resistive touch displays, screens with PCAP technology can recognize multiple finger movements at the same time. The hardened multi-touch glass is also insensitive to scratches or liquids and can also be cleaned during operation. Since the displays are anti-reflective and have a high level of light transmission, they can also be read well from a distance.

For the optimal connection of the panel PCs to the application, ROSE offers support arm systems in different configurations as well as ergonomic height adjustment systems and stand systems.

If required, the operating units can be installed directly at the customer’s premises. On request, ROSE will also install the software provided, adapt the default BIOS or the PCAP touch controller and update the firmware.


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